Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Case study Of J&J Furnishings Ltd Samples †

Question: Discuss about the JJ Furnishings Ltd Case study. Answer: Introduction Leadership is an important aspect of every organizations growth and development. Specifically when an organization is undergoing a change process, it is widely recommended to have an effective leadership. There are various leadership styles adopted by different organization. Moreover, every situation requires a different leadership style. This report throws light on the leadership of J J furnishings Ltd. Currently the organization needs to incorporate a large number of changes with respect to the organizations environment sustainability,IT management as well as enhancing HRs efficiency. Leadership style At present J J furnishings is going through a massive change. This is why the project manager must adopt a transformational leadership style. Transformational leadership style refers to the style where the leader works with the subordinates in order to identify the need of a change and create a vision through inspiration (McCleskey, 2014). A transformational leader possesses an inherent ability to motivate people and such a solid source of inspiration is largely required by J J furnishings employees at this time. A transformational leader must ensure that any change envisioned by the organization must see the light of the day without disrupting the businesss effectiveness. When an organization is going through a change that largely impacts business processes, transformational leadership style is preferred over other leadership styles owing to the ability of the transformational leader to plan, organize and execute the entire change process while keeping employees motivated. Tools and techniques used to influence project team In order to influence the team in positive light and execute the change envisioned by the organization, there are various tools and techniques that maybe used by the leader. These tools are as below: Communication: in order to influence the project team, it is important that the leader establishes effective communication within the team. Transparency and open communication would help in building trust and addressing employee grievances in an effective manner (Unsar, 2016). Rewards: The leader must use rewards in order to motivate or influence the team to perform better. This would create a spirit of healthy competition and help the team to achieve desired results. Five types of power Depending upon various scenarios that a leader might face, there are five types of power that can be executed by the project leader. These five kinds of power include legitimate power which a leader possesses owing to the official designation or seniority in a team. The second kind of power is reward power, which is the ability to provide someone with something that the person desires. Third is expert power which is characterized by the ability to administer information, knowledge or expertise to others. The fourth type of power is referent power where the leader associates with people in power and demonstrate the benefit of the same. The fifth power is punishment power which is also known as coercive power and the main goal of this power is compliance. Different kinds of power are useful in different scenarios. For a project leader at J J furnishings, different situations that may require different leadership types are as below: Influence the project team: For the success of any project, it is important that the leader is able to influence the team to accept the change and remain motivated through the course of the change. In order to achieve this, the leader would have to demonstrate legitimate power which the leader possesses owing to his or her designation in the business (Northouse, 2018). Motivate the team members to work collaboratively: In order to achieve this, the leader would have to demonstrate referent power. Through this power, the leader will be able to demonstrate the benefit of associating with people in power (Blau, 2017). If such an attribute is demonstrated effectively, then people will be motivated to collaborate and work together in order to achieve the teams goals. Impact the projects success: This situation requires the leader to demonstrate punishment power. When the team members fear punishment over poor performance, they will work harder to accomplish the goals of the team (Harrell Simpson, 2015). This will in turn impact projects success. Steps taken to alleviate challenges There are three major challenges faced by J J furnishings ltd while undergoing the change process. These challenges include a risk of losing business, credibility or sales. In order to alleviate the risks arising from these changes, the following steps must be taken by the leader: Plan a timeline for the entire change process and keep a strict check on the same. One of the project teams must be responsible to keep the quality of the shipping in check throughout the change process. Keep the competition and other macro environmental factors in check through the entire process and ensure that the organization is prepared for any unforeseen situation. Ensure transparency in the entire organization so that employees can built trust in the change process. Address employee grievances and other issues in an effective manner. Employee motivation and engagement must be encouraged in the business and efforts must be taken to ensure the same. Conclusion J J Furnishings Ltd. Is currently undergoing a major organizational change. This change involves upgrading the organizations IT system, improving upon organizations operational efficiency and ensuring sustainable development of the business through environment friendly actions. Such a major change poses the organization to various risks involving a loss of sales, a loss of credibility and a risk posed by competitors. Leadership of various project teams is meant to play a vital role in such a scenario. This is why the organization needs a transformational leader who would possess the ability to plan a change and execute it while keeping employees motivated (Goleman, 2017). At the same time, there are various steps that the leader might take to make sure that the challenges posed do not become a major source of risk. Effective leadership at the organization is sure to lead the change process in an efficient manner leading to the long term success of the business. References McCleskey, J. A. (2014). Situational, transformational, and transactional leadership and leadership development.Journal of Business Studies Quarterly,5(4), 117. Unsar, S. (2016).Leadership and Communication management. Springer International Pu. Northouse, P. G. (2018).Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications. Blau, P. (2017).Exchange and power in social life. Routledge. Harrell, A., Simpson, B. (2015). The dynamics of prosaically leadership: Power and influence in collective action groups.Social Forces,94(3), 1283-1308. Goleman, D. (2017).Leadership That Gets Results (Harvard Business Review Classics). Harvard Business Press.

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