Thursday, September 3, 2020

Elian Gonzalez Should Stay In The U.S. Essays -

Elian Gonzalez should remain in the U.S. Let American Consumer Counseling Help you Get Out of Debt! Elian Gonzalez should remain in the U.S. Dear Rosa Delauro, Subsequent to perusing numerous articles in the papers also, magazines that all state, multi year old Elian Gonzalez has been in the center of a worldwide back-and-forth since he was found on Thanksgiving Day. Sticking to an internal cylinder adrift for two days floating after his family what's more, him were attempting to escape from Cuba for opportunity. I have concluded that it is the correct thing for little Elian to remain in the United States. The telephone rings: Your 6-year old child has simply been found in the sea, wrecked, sticking to an internal cylinder. His mother suffocated. He is presently in Miami clinic. Do you react? I'll be there when I can. or Send him back to me. I request it. Elian's natural dad Juan Gonzalez was asked over and over. Why he didn't go to Miami to see his child. He didn't respond to the inquiry all he requested was that his child be come back to him, at long last compromising the Miami family members with whom Elian is remaining with. Juan says his child is the subject of seizing as well as youngster misuse. On the off chance that your child was grabbed furthermore, mishandled, and the U.S. lawyer general freely said you had the option to come see him. Okay remain at home? Well Juan Gonzalez is remaining at home. For what reason does he need genuine warmth for the his child? Is he one of those political dolts so shaded with Fidelism that he would prefer to let his manhandled child come up short than give the smallest political development to the U.S. to see him. Ought to Elian be trusted to such a man like his dad? Juan comes up short on the capacities to give even the nuts and bolts to Elian. That is, food, security, equity, opportunity and the option to be cheerful. I believe that Elian's dad ought not be trusted with his child since he can't go to the U.S. to perceive how his child is. In the event that any man in there right brain had the option to leave Cuba to come see their youngster they would drop ever thing for them. Elian shouldn't be trusted with a man who requests his child be taken back to Cuba and can't give him food, security, equity, opportunity and the option to be upbeat. When Elian was inquired as to whether he needed to be with his dad he said He thinks about his dad yet he might want his dad to be here with him. The Miami cousins said they are accomplishing more than offering life to the perishing wishes of Elian's mom. She gambled, and gave, her life to carry him to opportunity. They demanded they could give Elian a superior life than his dad could in Cuba. I was suprized on the grounds that I continuously thought this was a position of freedom and they are not letting him keep the freedom, said the cousin. They have brought Elian to Disney World, observed Christmas in the U.S. also, enlisted him is school. They are giving the kid a real existence better than his dad can. In the event that Elian is brought here up in the U.S. he would he allowed to go. On the off chance that he were brought up in Cuba he wouldn't even be permitted to plan leaving. He would be an offspring of the state. Congress has it right, award the helpless little banner kid citizenship. American citizenship is an identification of opportunity, a permit to freedom, a burden said the cousin. There is hunger in Cuba. It's a wrongdoing to send him back, there is food here. Said Melba. There isn't sufficient medication. Shouldn't something be said about the young men training? In the event that we send him back to Cuba, we are letting Castro have what he needs, and Castro is an exceptionally malicious man said Melba. Juan Gonzalez should need his kid to experience childhood in the United States were his mom passed on for him. Elian's mom gave her life for the opportunity of her child. The present choice disregards her wants for Elian and rather conveys him to a nation where an abusive executive doesn't permit trust and where individuals do not have the most fundamental human rights said John. Anticipating for Clinton's appearance, a gathering of individuals shouted through bullhorns, Elian, we are with you. The individuals are with you. They waved signs that said We need Elian in the USA, Opportunity from Cuba, and Down with Tyranny. Elian is as yet a child he ought to be permitted to live in the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Macbeth Is A Tragic Hero :: essays research papers

Macbeth Is A Tragic Hero      One may decide to consent to the announcement, "Macbeth is a lamentable hero." This end might be founded on specific qualities , proposed by Aristotle, that warrants him deserving of such a title. Aristotle expressed that a grievous saint must be of sure characteristics: a man of respectable height, great, however not great, have a fall that outcomes from submitting a demonstration of treachery, which is his own flaw, and get a discipline that surpasses the wrongdoing.      A deplorable legend is one of honorable height, and is acceptable. Macbeth is known as the Thane of Cawdor. He gets this respect since he has quite recently come back from a military achievement that has shrouded him in brilliance. Macbeth can be thought of "good" toward the beginning of the work. He is acceptable, despite the fact that he isn't great. He has a decent heart and is in a sharp perspective before he hears the witches' prediction. Macbeth doesn't start to get abhorrent until he is persuaded to follow up on the prediction by Lady Macbeth. Woman Macbeth is the abhorrent one who harms Macbeth's psyche; in spite of the fact that, she is just reassuring her significant other to do what she feels is to his greatest advantage.      The saint's defeat is his own shortcoming, the aftereffect of his own free decision, not the consequence of a mishap or destiny. A mishap as well as destiny might be a contributing element in the legend's destruction, yet are not the only one answerable. Macbeth's ruin is altogether his shortcoming. He decided to tune in to the witches' prescience. Banquo heard a similar prescience, yet decided not to permit himself to be hoodwinked. Macbeth could have done likewise. He, rather, decided to acknowledge the prescience and follow up on it. Macbeth burns through a large portion of the play in moral uncertainty. Woman Macbeth empowers him, however it is he that picks his activities.      A unfortunate saint's disaster isn't completely merited. The discipline surpasses the wrongdoing. Macbeth doesn't absolutely have the right beyond words a consequence of these episodes. He starts the work as a decent man, however later decreases as a result of the wants of his better half, and awful decisions. Macbeth wouldn't like to murder anybody, however does it. He is an individual of enormity, but on the other hand is of shortcoming.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Financial analysis of J Sainsbury PLC and Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC

Money related investigation of J Sainsbury PLC and Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Presentation The law in many nations requires open organizations to distribute reviewed fiscal reports. These announcements are utilized by different gatherings in settling on choices about their cooperation with an element. Distributed fiscal summaries give the potential clients a tight knowledge into the budgetary qualities and shortcomings of a business.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Financial investigation of J Sainsbury PLC and Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Such a complete perspective on a business is significant as it would impact users’ choices on whether to proceed with their relationship with the business. Proportion examination is a significant apparatus for breaking down the money related situation of an organization. The aftereffects of proportion examination give sufficient data to assessing the exhibition of an organization. Decision of organization and defense for the decision J Sainsbury PLC and Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC, situated in the United Kingdom, are open constrained organizations that exchange on the London Stock Exchange. The two organizations work in the United Kingdom’s retail industry. J Sainsbury PLC takes about 17.7 percent of the piece of the overall industry in the UK general store. Plus, it is the second biggest chain of stores in the business after Tesco. The organization has around 1,106 stores. The organization utilizes around 152,000 workers in their stores (J Sainsbury PLC 2014a). Then again, Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC positions fourth among the best five general stores in the UK retail industry with a piece of the overall industry of 11.3%. The organization has nearness in more than 600 areas. The organization connects around 132,000 representatives (Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC 2014a). Retail industry in the United Kingdom is very serious and the top players take part in forceful rivalry in order to build their piece of the pie. The table introduced underneath shows the ongoing insights of piece of the overall industry of the United Kingdom’s retail industry. Organization Market share 1 Tesco 30.1% 2 J Sainsbury PLC 17.7% 3 Asda 16.4% 4 Wm Morrison Supermarketss PLC 11.3% 5 Co-employable gathering 4.4% Others 20.1% The data available offer can be introduced in a pie diagram as demonstrated as follows. Publicizing Looking for report on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The two organizations are a reasonable decision for examination since they are among the best five in the UK retail industry. Moreover, the organizations have worked in the retail business since 1800s. This infers they have encountered and endure the swings in the economy over an extensive stretch of time. The paper looks to do a relative budgetary examination of Sainsbury and Morrison Supermarkets for a time of five years, that is, somewhere in the ra nge of 2008 and 2012. Basic examination of the proportions Profitability proportions J Sainsbury PLC 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Net Margin % 1.53 2.93 3.03 2.68 2.63 Return on Assets % 2.87 5.6 5.75 5.04 4.91 Return on Equity % 6.21 12.52 12.32 10.82 10.81 Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Net Margin % 3.17 3.88 3.84 3.91 3.57 Return on Assets % 5.8 7.04 7.06 7.26 6.35 Return on Equity % 10.34 12.63 12.19 12.76 12.18 Source of information Morningstar, Inc. 2014b; Morningstar, Inc. 2014a; J Sainsbury PLC 2014b; Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC 2014b The net revenue of Sainsbury expanded by a little rate during the five years. The net overall revenue expanded somewhere in the range of 2008 and 2010. Notwithstanding, in 2011 and 2012, the organization detailed a decrease in the estimation of the proportion. A similar pattern was seen in the estimations of profit for resources and profit for value. On account of Morrisons, The productivity proportions expanded somewhere in the range of 2008 and 20 11. In 2012, the organization revealed a decrease in the estimation of gainfulness proportions. Further, it very well may be noticed that the benefit proportions for Morrisons are higher than those of Sainsbury. This infers Morrison Supermarket is increasingly proficient in overseeing evaluating and the expense of tasks. It likewise suggests that the Morrison Supermarket is increasingly effective in utilizing resources and shareholders’ reserve to create deals and net benefit than Sainsbury (Atrill 2009). Further, the two organizations announced a decrease in benefit in 2012. This may demonstrate that there was a decrease in benefit inside the business. The diagram introduced beneath shows the pattern of gainfulness proportion for the two organizations. In the chart above and ensuing diagrams, ‘J’ speaks to line diagrams for J Sainsbury PLC while ‘Wm’ spoke to line diagrams for Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Financial examination of J Sainsbury PLC and Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Liquidity proportions J Sainsbury PLC 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Current Ratio 0.55 0.66 0.59 0.65 0.61 Quick Ratio 0.26 0.36 0.27 0.31 0.25 Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Current Ratio 0.53 0.51 0.55 0.57 0.58 Quick Ratio 0.25 0.19 0.21 0.2 The liquidity proportions for Sainsbury changed during the multi year time frame. The present and snappy proportion for the organization expanded somewhere in the range of 2008 and 2009. Notwithstanding, in 2010, the organization announced a decrease in the liquidity proportions. The qualities improved in 2011 and later declined in 2012. On account of Morrison Supermarket, the present and speedy proportion declined in 2009, the qualities later improved in the resulting years. The liquidity proportions for Sainsbury PLC are higher than those of Morrison Supermarket. This suggests Sainsbury is more productive in payi ng current obligation than Morrison Supermarket. The data in the table likewise uncovers that the present and brisk proportions for the two organizations are short of what one. This suggests the present resource of the two organizations can't enough compensation the present liabilities (Brigham Houston 2007; Brigham Ehrhardt 2009). This can be ascribed to the business wherein the organizations work. Organizations working in retail industry frequently have low liquidity proportions because of the idea of their organizations. The chart introduced shows the liquidity proportions for the two organizations. Equipping proportions J Sainsbury PLC 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Financial Leverage 2.29 2.19 2.1 2.19 2.21 Debt/Equity 0.5 0.47 0.43 0.46 Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Financial Leverage 1.82 1.77 1.69 1.83 2.01 Debt/Equity 0.23 0.21 0.19 0.3 0.46 The outfitting proportions center around the measure of obligation in the capital structure of an organization. A high estimation of equippin g proportion infers that an organization has a high measure of obligation in the capital structure. The monetary influence for Sainsbury extended somewhere in the range of 2.1 and 2.29 during the multi year time frame while the estimation of obligation to value proportion went somewhere in the range of 0.43 and 0.50. It very well may be seen that there was a general decrease in the estimation of the outfitting proportion. On account of Morrison Supermarket, the money related influence extended somewhere in the range of 1.69 and 2.01. It can likewise be seen that the organization encountered an expansion in the monetary influence throughout the years. Obligation to value proportion for the organization went somewhere in the range of 0.19 and 0.46. The two organizations revealed a decrease in the estimation of outfitting proportions somewhere in the range of 2008 and 2010. Be that as it may, in 2011 and 2012, the estimation of the proportions expanded. The pattern can be credited to t he monetary emergency that was accounted for in late 2008. The organizations required outside subsidizing to back activities (Brigham Houston 2007; Brigham Ehrhardt 2009).Advertising Searching for report on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More It can likewise be brought up that the intending proportions for Sainsbury are higher than those of Morrison Supermarket. This clarifies the low benefit of the organization. It likewise builds the danger of the shareholders’ subsidize (Collier 2009). The diagram introduced beneath show the pattern of the outfitting proportions. Venture proportions J Sainsbury PLC 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Price/Earnings 19.7 11.9 9 10.8 11.6 Price/Book 1.4 1 1.2 Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Price/Earnings - 12.9 13 9.7 10.6 Price/Book - 1.4 1.5 1.2 The speculation proportions are utilized as a proportion of valuation of portions of an organization. The proportions think about the cost of offers and different qualities, for example, income, book estimation of advantages, income and deals (Haber 2004). The speculation proportions for Sainsbury declined somewhere in the range of 2008 and 2010. There was a decrease in the estimation of the proportions somewhere in the range of 2011 and 2012. On acc ount of Morrison Supermarkets, the estimation of the speculation proportions expanded somewhere in the range of 2009 and 2010. There was a decrease in the estimation of the proportions in 2011. In the table, it very well may be noticed that the venture proportions for the two organizations are generally equivalent. Consequently, a speculator might be uninterested about which organization to put resources into dependent on the venture proportions. The value/income proportion gauges the market esteem per share corresponding to its profit while cost to book proportion quantifies the stock cost of portions of an organization according to book estimation of the advantages (Holmes, Sugden Gee 2005). The chart introduced beneath shows the pattern of speculation proportions over the five years. Shortcomings of proportions There are various shortcomings of proportions. Consequently, it is important to consider a portion of these shortcomings when utilizing proportions as the fundamental devi ce for looking at the money related execution of two organizations. To begin with, it is hard to utilize a lot of industry normal proportions while examining enormous organizations that have diverse business portion which fall in various enterprises. This makes a significant test when utilizing industry normal proportions to analyze execution of such organizations. The subsequent shortcoming is that swelling contorts the fiscal summaries of organizations. In this way, us

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

SAT Video Friday †Zeroing in on the Answer

n = (10^10 x 9^9 x 8^8†¦3^3 + 2^2 + 1^1)^2 How many zeroes does n^2 contain? First off, you need to recognize the pattern: every number has an exponent equal to itself, i.e. 10^10, 8^8 , etc. That means, that the (†¦.) represents 7^7 x 6^6 x 5^5 x 4^4. Now that we can survey the entire series (and I do recommend writing out the remaining numbers), notice is that 10^10 will yield 10 zeroes. The next step, though, is a little trickier. If you pair 5 and 2, you get 10. Therefore, each pair of 5 and 2 will yield a zero. There are five 5’s, yet only two 2’s. But notice how both 4^4 and 8^8 contain a bounty of 2’s (4^4 = 2^8 and 8^8 = 2^24), so we will have more than enough 2’s to pair with those five 5’s. So (5 x 2)^5 will yield a total of 5 more zeroes to ‘n’, giving us a total of 15. Now to the very last part. The question is looking for n^2. You want to make sure not to square 15. See, when you have some number to an exponent and you are looking for the number of zeroes, you want to multiply by 2, since you are doubling the number of zeroes. Therefore, the answer is 30. Now watch all of that explained in video form here: If you have any questions or comments, please leave them for me in the comment box below! 🙂

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Human Papillomavirus ( Hpv ) Vaccine - 2613 Words

Research proves that certain cervical cancers can be prevented by simply getting vaccinated against the Human Papillomavirus (Shafer, Cates, Diehl, Hartmann, 2011). This virus is responsible for 99% of the cervical cancers (Smith, 2008). The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the most sexually transmitted disease in the world (Nath Thappa, 2009). Four main strains of HPV exists, 6,11,16 and 18 (Smith, 2008). HPV strains 16 and 18 are the causative factors for 70% of the cervical cancers (Smith, 2008). HPV strains 6 and 11 cause about 90% of genital warts (Smith, 2008). Without serious side effects the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine is 100% effective in preventing the two HPV strains that cause the largest percentages of cervical cancer†¦show more content†¦Parents have a safety concern , and do not want to give the HPV vaccine or any other vaccines for that matter. The measles outbreak in California shows that there is an active anti-vaccine group in the United States at t his time. Although The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) does acknowledge that all vaccines have a potential for allergic reactions. The HPV vaccine has been only known to cause pain at the injection site, fever, nausea and fainting (HPV Vaccine Information for Clinicians - Fact Sheet, 2015). The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) discusses the possibility of vaccines, including the HPV vacines being associated with learning disabilities (National Vaccine Information Center Archives, n.d.). However, there is no proof to support that consensus, and there is medical scientific evidence that disproves the false conceptions in regards to the safety of vaccines (Chatterjee O’Keefe, 2010). Although some parents feel that mandating the HPV vaccine is a violation of their parental rights, it is necessary for the greater good of public heath. Human Papillomavirus is the most sexual transmitted infection, which makes this a public health problem, considering there are more than 6 million new infections each year (Smith, 2008). Young women raging from 15 to 25 years of age are half of the new HPV cases (Smith, 2008). Parents believe that their parental rights would be usurped

Case study Of J&J Furnishings Ltd Samples †

Question: Discuss about the JJ Furnishings Ltd Case study. Answer: Introduction Leadership is an important aspect of every organizations growth and development. Specifically when an organization is undergoing a change process, it is widely recommended to have an effective leadership. There are various leadership styles adopted by different organization. Moreover, every situation requires a different leadership style. This report throws light on the leadership of J J furnishings Ltd. Currently the organization needs to incorporate a large number of changes with respect to the organizations environment sustainability,IT management as well as enhancing HRs efficiency. Leadership style At present J J furnishings is going through a massive change. This is why the project manager must adopt a transformational leadership style. Transformational leadership style refers to the style where the leader works with the subordinates in order to identify the need of a change and create a vision through inspiration (McCleskey, 2014). A transformational leader possesses an inherent ability to motivate people and such a solid source of inspiration is largely required by J J furnishings employees at this time. A transformational leader must ensure that any change envisioned by the organization must see the light of the day without disrupting the businesss effectiveness. When an organization is going through a change that largely impacts business processes, transformational leadership style is preferred over other leadership styles owing to the ability of the transformational leader to plan, organize and execute the entire change process while keeping employees motivated. Tools and techniques used to influence project team In order to influence the team in positive light and execute the change envisioned by the organization, there are various tools and techniques that maybe used by the leader. These tools are as below: Communication: in order to influence the project team, it is important that the leader establishes effective communication within the team. Transparency and open communication would help in building trust and addressing employee grievances in an effective manner (Unsar, 2016). Rewards: The leader must use rewards in order to motivate or influence the team to perform better. This would create a spirit of healthy competition and help the team to achieve desired results. Five types of power Depending upon various scenarios that a leader might face, there are five types of power that can be executed by the project leader. These five kinds of power include legitimate power which a leader possesses owing to the official designation or seniority in a team. The second kind of power is reward power, which is the ability to provide someone with something that the person desires. Third is expert power which is characterized by the ability to administer information, knowledge or expertise to others. The fourth type of power is referent power where the leader associates with people in power and demonstrate the benefit of the same. The fifth power is punishment power which is also known as coercive power and the main goal of this power is compliance. Different kinds of power are useful in different scenarios. For a project leader at J J furnishings, different situations that may require different leadership types are as below: Influence the project team: For the success of any project, it is important that the leader is able to influence the team to accept the change and remain motivated through the course of the change. In order to achieve this, the leader would have to demonstrate legitimate power which the leader possesses owing to his or her designation in the business (Northouse, 2018). Motivate the team members to work collaboratively: In order to achieve this, the leader would have to demonstrate referent power. Through this power, the leader will be able to demonstrate the benefit of associating with people in power (Blau, 2017). If such an attribute is demonstrated effectively, then people will be motivated to collaborate and work together in order to achieve the teams goals. Impact the projects success: This situation requires the leader to demonstrate punishment power. When the team members fear punishment over poor performance, they will work harder to accomplish the goals of the team (Harrell Simpson, 2015). This will in turn impact projects success. Steps taken to alleviate challenges There are three major challenges faced by J J furnishings ltd while undergoing the change process. These challenges include a risk of losing business, credibility or sales. In order to alleviate the risks arising from these changes, the following steps must be taken by the leader: Plan a timeline for the entire change process and keep a strict check on the same. One of the project teams must be responsible to keep the quality of the shipping in check throughout the change process. Keep the competition and other macro environmental factors in check through the entire process and ensure that the organization is prepared for any unforeseen situation. Ensure transparency in the entire organization so that employees can built trust in the change process. Address employee grievances and other issues in an effective manner. Employee motivation and engagement must be encouraged in the business and efforts must be taken to ensure the same. Conclusion J J Furnishings Ltd. Is currently undergoing a major organizational change. This change involves upgrading the organizations IT system, improving upon organizations operational efficiency and ensuring sustainable development of the business through environment friendly actions. Such a major change poses the organization to various risks involving a loss of sales, a loss of credibility and a risk posed by competitors. Leadership of various project teams is meant to play a vital role in such a scenario. This is why the organization needs a transformational leader who would possess the ability to plan a change and execute it while keeping employees motivated (Goleman, 2017). At the same time, there are various steps that the leader might take to make sure that the challenges posed do not become a major source of risk. Effective leadership at the organization is sure to lead the change process in an efficient manner leading to the long term success of the business. References McCleskey, J. A. (2014). Situational, transformational, and transactional leadership and leadership development.Journal of Business Studies Quarterly,5(4), 117. Unsar, S. (2016).Leadership and Communication management. Springer International Pu. Northouse, P. G. (2018).Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications. Blau, P. (2017).Exchange and power in social life. Routledge. Harrell, A., Simpson, B. (2015). The dynamics of prosaically leadership: Power and influence in collective action groups.Social Forces,94(3), 1283-1308. Goleman, D. (2017).Leadership That Gets Results (Harvard Business Review Classics). Harvard Business Press.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Random Funny Essay Topics

Random Funny Essay TopicsAlthough writing and sharing funny essays can be fun, often it's the topic that really makes it more interesting. This is why some writers choose to write about random topics that have nothing to do with their own lives or abilities. After all, they don't want to come across as being 'stupid'stuffed up.'However, there are some good reasons to choose random funny essay topics. The first and most obvious is that it is entertaining and will catch the attention of readers. It might not always be funny, but it is definitely more likely to get laughs.In addition, writers can also come across as being unique and show off their personality and interests outside of their own life. When you talk about yourself in an essay, you are opening up a more personal connection. This is probably one of the main reasons why we enjoy essays by other people. By including the 'real' person behind the pseudonym, it gives the reader an idea of who they are and gives them a better idea of how you feel about them.In addition, when you choose funny essay topics that are relevant to your writing, you get to share something with the world. Although it might seem funny for you, you can see how others might not think so. Therefore, this will help get your name out there and get your articles picked up by other writers.Even if you don't choose a subject that relates to your particular area of interest, using random funny essay topics can still have its benefits. Think about it. Maybe your life and passions are closely related to someone else's.When you choose random funny essay topics, you can tell the world about your life through your writing. After all, who wouldn't love to know what your day consists of, when it is filled with having an awesome time? Then again, this person could be your business partner, your boss, or your spouse.Once you have chosen some interesting topics for your random writing, you need to put some thought into it. It has to flow well, and you should be able to make it interesting without sounding corny. If you want to come across as having a dry sense of humor, then you need to ensure that you are writing about subjects that are relevant to your own life. You will be stuck in the process of writing for a while if you are unable to keep topics interesting.Choosing the right topic for you can be tough. Thankfully, we've made finding out the right topics easier than ever before.